Healthy at Hogwarts: Advice for Stopping the Spread of COVID-19 in the Magical and Muggle Worlds

Hogwarts’ Head Healer offers advice and support to students on campus and at home

Fandom Forward
2 min readApr 30, 2020

Dear Hogwarts Students and Families,

As I am sure you are aware, a powerful virus is sweeping the Muggle and magical worlds right now. As head matron and healer at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, it is my duty to make students, staff, and families aware of how you can be a part of keeping Hogwarts healthy.

Firstly, we are thrilled to announce that the medical enchantments put in place by St. Mungo’s community healers team are working splendidly. At this time, no Hogwarts student or staff member has contracted the virus. I suggest that we keep it that way by using the following protective charms:

  1. Wash your hands for 20 seconds using soap and water. Aguamenti, which requires use of a wand, is not a suitable substitution as you must thoroughly wash both hands.
  2. Focus on your studies. We are happy to report that all Hogwarts classes are now fully operating via the Floo Network! Simply bring your study materials to the nearest fireplace and your teacher’s fiery head will appear in minutes!
  3. Support causes you care about. Doing things to help others can boost your mood in times of darkness. By supporting work by organizations like the Harry Potter Alliance, you can help make sure that magical people around the world can continue to make a difference in their communities.
  4. For the love of Merlin, stop using the Bat Bogey Hex. Large, flight-capable mucus is the last thing we need.
  5. Seek out reliable news and medical sources. Rita Skeeter and her ilk are spreading rumors and gossip. Please get your information from St. Mungo’s and other respected magical medical establishments.
  6. Speak up! We are unfortunately hearing reports that Muggles are using the virus as an excuse for anti-Asian racism. I implore you to speak out and educate individuals who peddle in hate and division. Young Mr. Longbottom has some tips to help you summon your courage.
  7. Do not apparate, use the floo network, or secret passageways to leave the castle. To be clear, Misters Weasley and Weasley, I speak directly to you.

Remember: Hogwarts Castle has stood for 1,000 years and the matrons that came before me and I have healed curses, transfiguration blunders, and countless Quidditch injuries. We are working around the clock with St. Mungo’s to heal and protect you now, too. We are not giving up hope, and neither shall you. We'll get through this — together.


Madam Poppy Pomfrey

Hogwarts Hospital Services

Image: the sun rises over snowcapped Hogsmeade rooftops. Text reads “We are not giving up hope, and neither shall you.”



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