Our Favorite Videos of Project for Awesome 2022

Fandom Forward
4 min readFeb 26, 2022


yellow and pink lightning bolt and Fandom Forward banner centered against a light blue backdrop. Dark blue text reads Be A Part Of Project For Awesome. Do Your Part To Decrease World-Suck. Vote at bit.ly/FFVOTE

Project for Awesome 2022 has been HUGE — the Nerdfighteria community has already raised over $2 Million for charity! Voting for who will receive a P4A grant closes Sunday at 12pm ET (that’s noon!) — which means that you have 24 hours to vote for all our videos and help us win up to $25,000 to support our work to turn fans into heroes!

Every year, folks around the globe make videos to share their love of nonprofit organizations doing good in the world, and we’re always honored to be one of them. We’re blown away each year by the incredible creativity that goes into these videos! Here are some of our favorites for 2022:

A picture of Jessica over a blue map of North America followed by a picture of Sara over Europe. Caption “Even though we currently live on two different continents, not even the distance has stopped us from working on some really cool Fandom Forward projects together”

Project for Awesome 2022 // Fandom Forward by Jessica & Sara

Jessica and Sara share their heartwarming story of friendship, which started 6 years ago through Fandom Forward and has continued even as they now live on two different continents! We truly love to see friendships flourish as our community grows together in the pursuit of making the world “a more hopeful, magical, and more compassionate place.”

Maddi holding and petting her dog Archie. Caption “And this is Archie, he’s our assistant branch director”

Project 4 Awesome 2022 — Fandom Forward by Maddi

Maddi (assisted by her adorable pup Archie) also shares that she made significant friendships via Fandom Forward when she first joined her college’s chapter.

Person climbing out of the back of another person’s head

Project For Awesome 2022 — Fandom Forward by Jay

Jay shares the importance of books, TV shows, and movies in helping escape worldsuck, but that by engaging in fandom, we have the power to create real world change.

Sparkle Fingers around a copy of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone with the title covered by a paper that says “Fandom Forward” and the author covered by a paper that says “By: The Fans”

Project for Awesome 2022: Fandom Forward by NYDA

Marie, Chapter Organizer for Fandom Forward’s New York Dumbledore’s Army (NYDA) chapter, leads fellow NYDA member Luke through the classic “blind date with a book” activity.

Project For Awesome 2022: Fandom Forward by Charli

Charli shares how Fandom Forward has positively impacted their life through its programing like the Granger Leadership Academy, a four day conference which empowers fans with magical activism skills.

Abby singing “And join our community at fandomforward.org”

Fandom Forward | P4A 2022 by Abby

Abby combined her love for Fandom Forward with her love of musicals to make this epic The Prom remix! Extra points for that beautiful singing voice, fan works are our favorite.

Three small hand puppets say “Don’t forget to be awesome!”

Hedwig’s Heroes P4A for Fandom Forward by Hedwig’s Heroes

Hedwig’s Heroes is an Elementary School chapter of Fandom Forward in Derry, NH. In this adorable video, members of Hedwig’s Heroes share in their own words what Fandom Forward means to them in voiceovers, while hand puppets take the stage. This was such a creative way to include our young members and let them speak for themselves while respecting their privacy.

Mary finishes her T-Shirt which says “Fandom Forward” Caption: “The weapon we have is love… and P4A grants”

P4A 2022: Fandom Forward by Mary

In Mary’s video, she uses the power of crafting to update an old HPA T-shirt with our new Fandom Forward name while sharing highlights of our past campaigns and invites activists from all fandoms to join us.

Flowery text on a black background: “Hobbit 4 Awesome News”

P4A 2022 — Vote for Fandom Forward! by Sam

Sam broadcasts a Hobbits 4 Awesome message live from the Shire. Their furry special guests explain what Fandom Forward does and why you should vote for us to win a grant.

Glowing text that says “P4A is Live! Vote at bit.ly/FFVOTE”

Ready to help? Vote for our videos! Our official video includes beautiful art by Evie Džomba and a sneak peak of our upcoming campaigns! Plus, we have ten truly amazing videos made by Fandom Forward members, all of which can be found here. You can vote for every Fandom Forward video, right now, and every day of the Project for Awesome, through Sunday at 12pm ET (that’s noon, not midnight!).

Want to do more? Get your friends and family to vote for our videos at bit.ly/VoteFandomForward22. If you post about us, be sure to tag us (@fandomforward on Twitter and TikTok and @TheHPAlliance on Instagram) and use the hashtag #P4A2022 to get the most out of this magical weekend!



Fandom Forward
Fandom Forward

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