The Weapon We Have is Still Love
And there’s one thing that I’ve got
One thing that you’ve got inside you, too
One thing that we’ve got
And the one thing we’ve got is enough to save us all
The weapon we have is love” — Harry and the Potters
First, we at Fandom Forward want to thank everyone who showed up, voted, and helped shape the future of our communities.
As we process the election results and start to close out an undeniably difficult year together, we want to remind each of you that you are not alone. We will get through this together. When our paths seem bleak and filled with thorny barriers, it’s important to remember the power of fandom and of our communities.
Fandom is about stories and characters and the lessons they teach us. It’s about the worlds that are built, the imagination that is ignited, the possibilities that are presented, and the hope that is inspired. It’s about building community and finding connection, support, and shared purpose with people who care deeply and want to make a difference. It’s about spreading joy as an act of resistance. Let’s continue to leverage the power and passion of fandom to inspire the actions we take in creating the changes we want to see in the world.
Change takes time, a lot of time. The small, everyday actions we take now percolate into the big movements and waves of tomorrow. Admittedly, progress can be a very frustrating experience because it can feel like taking three steps forward only to be knocked five steps back. But, as we continue working toward our grander organizing goals, we need to recognize that the steps we take don’t happen in a vacuum. We need to remember all the steps that were taken by those who came before us and prepare the path for all the steps that will be taken by those who come after us. Let’s celebrate the victories we achieved and will continue to achieve along the way, no matter how small they may seem. Because ultimately, they all matter. Every conversation, every individual, every act of community building brings us closer to the world we envision.
As fans, we will keep striving, organizing, and finding strength in one another. Thank you for standing with us, for each other, and for a future that values the power of community and resilience. Let’s continue to lift each other and write a brighter story together.
Remember to take space for yourself and rest so that we can be ready to rise back up tomorrow. Yesterday, today, tomorrow, and forever, the weapon we have is love.
Ready to get back into action? Here’s a list of organizers and communities you can connect with along with some things to read, listen to, and think about in the days ahead:
- Black Nerds Create (BNC) is a collective that provides content through a lens of critical and creative fandom, in order to advocate for and contribute to meaningful representation in media for Black folks specifically, and systemically marginalized people in general.
- Check out the post-election plan BNC shared on Instagram and join them in art making, imagining new worlds, and working for change today and every day.
- The Working Families Party (WFP) is a progressive grassroots political party building a multiracial movement of working people to transform America. They fight for workers over bosses and people over the powerful.
- Need your politics with a dash of The Real Housewives? Check out WFP’s Real Housewives of Politics.
- Trek the Vote is a grassroots movement of Star Trek fans volunteering with non-partisan, pro-democracy groups nationwide. Their team of “Starfleet Officers” volunteer with their partner organizations to support voting rights, improve election transparency, and help elections administrators meet their staffing needs.
- Good Good Good is an independent media organization covering good news and resources about the good in the world. In an effort to help their audience feel more hopeful and do more good, Good Good Good’s team of journalists reports on positive news happening in the world and creates helpful resources about the most impactful ways to make a positive difference.
- Check out the Goodnewspaper for a monthly newspaper filled with good news.
- Check out the Goodnewsletter for a daily dose of good news in your inbox.
- Listen to Sounds Good, a weekly podcast about making the world better.
- Follow them on Instagram to fill your feed with bursts of dopamine.
- The Center for Artistic Activism (C4AA) trains and advises organizations, grant-makers, and individuals to excel in activism and advocacy through creativity and culture. C4AA provides resources and support to advocacy organizations developing new and impactful campaigns, grantmakers developing and supporting creative advocacy strategies, arts organizations in using the arts for social justice, and individuals interested in artistic activism.
- Learn about Why Artistic Activism: 9 Reasons
- Check out The Art of Activism Workbook
- Gen-Z for Change is a nonprofit collective of Gen-Z organizers leveraging the power of social media, creators, and code to drive progressive change. They are committed to educating their generation and demanding bold progressive solutions, from a Green New Deal to reproductive freedom to a unionized labor force.
- The Trevor Project is the leading suicide prevention and crisis intervention nonprofit organization for LGBTQ+ young people. They provide information and support to LGBTQ+ young people 24/7, all year round.
- Connection starts with knowledge. Check out The Trevor Project’s resource center.
How to Citizen (podcast)
- How to Citizen, a podcast created by Baratunde Thurston, reimagines “citizen” as a verb and reminds us how to wield our collective power. Learn new perspectives and practices from people working to improve society for the many.