The world is beautiful, just look at all your friends
Wizard Activists, at the end of this harrowing year, we’re feeling really hopeful. Sure, the world is sometimes terrible and scary, but as Harry and the Potters reminds us, “the world is beautiful, just look at all your friends”.
This year, we got to work with a lot of friends. We trained over 1,100 emerging activists and spoke with over 100,000 first time voters in Arizona and Michigan. We launched three new virtual conferences — Camp GLA, Fall into Democracy, and Small Things Con — where we got to work with dozens of inspiring presenters to imagine and take action toward a kinder world.
We worked with new friends — like TV’s original Wonder Woman, Lynda Carter, Luke Baines of Shadowhunters, and HeadCount — to spearhead get out the vote efforts in multiple fandoms (an exciting first for us!). We worked with old friends — like Never Again Action and Amnesty International — to coordinate hundreds of online actions to disrupt I.C.E.; and Black Girls Create, to raise bail funds for the protestors that changed the world this year. We hosted Healing Retreats — with Sonni, Casper of Harry Potter and the Sacred Text, and The Dinner Party — released our Return to Joy toolkit to get ready to keep working in 2021.
We closed the year with the first ever virtual Yule Ball, featuring 14 incredible bands and organized by our friends Harry and the Potters and Pitch & Prose. While the music played in our living rooms, we couldn’t help but look back and see all the ways that the HPA and our friends helped make the world beautiful this year.
Today is Dec 31st — we made it! And that means it’s the last day to donate to the HPA and help our community start the year strong.
A one-time donation is a great way to help us enter the new year with momentum on our side. You can also help sustain our work well into 2021 by joining our Platform 9 ¾ program with a monthly donation. Even better? Our board will match all monthly donations, up to $2,000, so it’s a fantastic way to double your impact! All donations are fully tax-deductible, and we cannot emphasize enough that any amount makes a real impact on the work we do together.
In January, we’ll spend the entire month in a period of deep strategic planning. After 15 years of doing good in the world, we’re pausing to think about how we can best be of service for the next 15. We’ll have plenty of opportunities to hear from you about your vision for the HPA, too!
Today is your last chance to help our magical community start 2021 off strong. Will you help fans continue to fight for equality, literacy, and human rights?
We wish you and your friends and loved ones a happy, healthy, and hopeful New Year. Thank you for making the world beautiful with us.
The Weapon We Have Is Love,